One more thing…

Four posts in one day. This has got to be a record. But only to say have been sent some very kind message/tweets/emails/DMs both about What Happens Now?, my novel which recently came out in paperback, and also The Wish List, which is my next novel, out in August. There’s a site called Netgalley where bloggers/keen readers etc can make requests for early proof copies, which is where people are getting The Wish List from, and am just so stupendously grateful for anyone who’s said lovely things and given it the magic five stars. Those of us fortunate enough to be able to work as normal at the moment can hardly grumble. I feel madly lucky every day that I can still write and make a living while sitting at my makeshift desk (my bed), but publishing is facing challenges like most other industries and words of encouragement are even more appreciated right now.

ALSO, my friend Gav’s book (The Consequences of Love) is out this Thursday and I really can’t recommend it enough. I read a proof a few months ago and wept from about the first page. To say it is an astonishing, moving and beautifully-written book doesn’t do it justice. Do read it. HERE is a link to buy.
