Da-da-da-daaaaa, da-da-da-da-daaaaaa etc

MORRRRRRRNING. Am full of the joys of spring late summer today since I had a lovely week working at the magical John Sandoe bookshop, just off the King’s Road, as research for my new novel. I’m also v happy to announce that I’m staying on as an Evening Standard columnist, which was news this week since I was originally just booked to cover Monday’s slot for another while they wrote their book. And since What Happens Now? is out in JUST FIVE DAYS I’ve also been writing a few last bits and pieces ahead of publication day and sorting out the final details of my launch party which is the week after this since everyone’s off to Cornwall/Ibiza/Mallorca for the BH weekend. Eg what the dickens should I wear? Last year I deliberately picked a colour (a sort of red pattern) that deliberately didn’t show up sweat marks in the armpits, so I shall probably follow the same policy.

A couple of pieces this week ahead of the book coming out. HERE is something I did for ES Magazine. More on sperm (sorry). A friend suggested I go to my party dressed as a giant sperm since I have a history of outlandish fancy dress. But I think even for me this might be pushing it.

